URGENT SURGERY UPDATE 05.07.23Junior Doctor Industrial Action 13-18th July 2023
We would like to advise our patients that our routine appointment availability for the next 2 weeks has been impacted by the Junior Doctors industrial action planned for next week.
Inevitably we have qualified GPs with annual leave and as a GP Training Practice with 9 Junior Doctors, without them our capacity for routine appointments booked in advance and urgent ‘on the day’ care will be reduced.
We have done all we can to maximise capacity but please be aware that when we have no appointments remaining we will have no alternative but to direct patients to 111.
Please be patient with our reception teams as they do the best they can to meet our patients needs during difficult circumstances.
We apologise in advance for any inconvenience and would like to remind patients that West Cambs Federation now also provide GP, Nurse, Pharmacist and HCA appointments at our Alconbury Surgery on 3 nights a week and Saturdays. If we do not have an appointment available as soon as you would like then please do ask our receptionist if anything is available in enhanced access.
We hope that you will be understanding of our Junior Doctors desire to ensure the sustainability of General Practice and would like to reassure you that we are doing all we can to provide a safe service to our patients.
Thank you.
Melanie Gearing