Out of surgery hours, between 18:00 and 08:00 the next day and weekends, Urgent Care Cambridgeshire deals with urgent problems that may arise with our patients.
Telephone the surgery directly on 01480 890281(Alconbury) or 01480 454050 (Brampton) and your call will be redirected to the control centre. You will be asked to describe your problem in detail so that the duty doctor or nurse can be informed and prioritise accordingly. To contact them directly please call 0330 123 9131.
If you need to see someone out of hours, you will be asked to come to the Out of Hours service at Hinchingbrooke Hospital. Whoever deals with the emergency will ensure that the details are passed to your own doctor the next weekday.
Please do not call at night unless your problem really is an emergency and you need urgent help.
111 is the non-emergency NHS number for medical help when it is not a 999 emergency. It is fast, easy and free to call. Your needs will be assessed and advice offered or arrangements made for you to access an appropriate service.
Call 999 in an emergency. Chest pains and / or shortness of breath constitute an emergency.
Enhanced Access WCF
Patients of our practice are now able to book routine appointments to be seen by doctors, nurses and healthcare assistants in the evenings and at weekends in Extended Access – a new service provided by West Cambs Federation.
This service is available to all patients in this area seven days a week in sessions at four clinics:
- Alconbury Surgery, Alconbury
- Little Paxton Surgery, Little Paxton, St Neots
- Roman Gate Surgery, Godmanchester
- Riverport Medical Practice, St Ives
- One Leisure, St Ives
You can make an appointment at any of the sites – not just the one nearest to your home.
To book an appointment contact us 01480 890281 (Alconbury) / 01480 454050 (Brampton) – and we will book your appointment for you.